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Product Catalog
Vendor website:
Product List
├─Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x – V2
│ │ README QuantStars – Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x.txt
│ │
│ ├─Expert Advisor
│ │ ├─Mt4
│ │ │ QuantStars – TradingRush (MACD Strategy 100x) V2 – MT4.ex4
│ │ │
│ │ └─Mt5
│ │ QuantStars – TradingRush (MACD Strategy 100x) V2 – MT5.ex5
│ │
│ ├─Indicator (MT4 only)
│ │ ADX_WildersDMI_v1m.ex4
│ │
│ ├─SET files
│ │ QuantStars – Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x – M15 V2 -SET1.set
│ │ QuantStars – Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x – M15 V2 -SET2.set
│ │ QuantStars – Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x – M15 V2 -SET3.set
│ │ QuantStars – Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x – M15 V2 -SET4.set
│ │
│ └─Source file
│ ├─Mq4
│ │ QuantStars – TradingRush (MACD Strategy 100x) V2 – MT4.mq4
│ │
│ └─Mq5
│ QuantStars – TradingRush (MACD Strategy 100x) V2 – MT5.mq5
Products Introduction
The Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x EA is an Expert Advisor (EA) iteration rooted in Trading Rush’s MACD strategy, as elucidated in a dedicated video presentation. Engineered for automated trading, this EA meticulously executes the MACD strategy outlined in the video, strategically utilizing the MACD indicator to discern potential buy or sell signals predicated on the convergence or divergence of moving averages. The second version of the EA presumably integrates refinements or adjustments to optimize overall performance and functionality. Unfortunately, the specific intricacies of the Trading Rush MACD Strategy 100x EA V2 with Set remain undisclosed on current online platforms.