PastedNote: If you have any problems with the download, please contact us via Telegram or by email, and good luck with your financial transactions.
Email:[email protected]
Original price – 200EU
This Guy has developed a SMC + FOOTPRINT statergy on GBPUSD, has accuracy of 85%
Includes 100 Videos &
10+ hrs of knowledge
He Is official partner of cluster delta
NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE
Please note: Not all indicators mentioned in the course are included in this product. To subscribe to all the indicators mentioned in the videos, please visit the website ↗ separately.
Indicator Download Address :
Please note: Not all indicators mentioned in the course are included in this product. To subscribe to all the indicators mentioned in the videos, please visit the website ↗ separately.
Indicator Download Address :
Please note: Not all indicators mentioned in the course are included in this product. To subscribe to all the indicators mentioned in the videos, please visit the website ↗ separately.
Indicator Download Address :
NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE ——————- NOTE
This course is based on indicators from ↗ The author of the course has a partnership with the website, ↗ which primarily develops indicators related to order flow trading strategies.
However, purchasing this course does not grant free access to the indicators on the website ↗ You need to subscribe to them separately through the website. Please be aware of this.
Additionally, this course may be slightly disorganized. The following list contains all the content covered in the course. Please review it before making a purchase.
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Course
│ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ Shot 002.png
│ │ Shot 003.png
│ │ Shot 004.png
│ │ Shot 005.png
│ │ Shot 006.png
│ │ Shot 007.png
│ │
│ ├─Discord
│ │ Checklist.pdf
│ │ GBPUSD_m30_my_first_pdf.pdf
│ │ How_to_prepare_the_charts.pdf
│ │ Patterns.png
│ │ Templates- MT5.rar
│ │ templates.pdf
│ │ templates.rar
│ │ The process to analyse the charts and mark up for daily_weekly forecast.mp4.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ ├─All Puzzles together
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Checklist
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Compression
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │ Shot 002.png
│ │ │ Shot 003.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Extra- How to set non-standard TFs
│ │ │ newTF.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Imbalance
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Key Levels
│ │ │ Shot 003.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Liqiudity
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Market Structure
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Supply _ Demand
│ │ │ Shot 009.png
│ │ │ Shot 010.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Trading Plan
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │
│ │ └─Volume _ Entries
│ │ Shot 001.png
│ │
│ ├─Students Contribution
│ │ Absorption.pdf
│ │ Asia_High.pdf
│ │ Edd- 02.12.2021-Imbalance_Formation.pdf
│ │ Edd-07.12.2021.pdf
│ │ GU_Behaviour_-_Read_it_like_a_book.pdf
│ │ Kenyong- 26.08.2021- How to backtest with real volume.mp4
│ │ LowOfDay.pdf
│ │ Patterns.png
│ │ Randy 30.09.2021.mp4
│ │ Randy- 09.08.2021.mp4
│ │ Seb- 11.10.2021.mp4
│ │ Seb- 25.10.2021- Candel Imbalance Tool.mp4
│ │ seb-08.10.21- Trapped Buyers_Sellers.mp4
│ │ Sell_26th.pdf
│ │
│ ├─Summary of the day
│ │ sotd_049.mp4
│ │ sotd_052.mp4
│ │ sotd_055.mp4
│ │ sotd_056.mp4
│ │ sotd_064.mp4
│ │ sotd_066.mp4
│ │ sotd_067.mp4
│ │ sotd_68.mp4
│ │
│ └─Webinar
│ 04.03.2022- 7th webinar.mp4
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Advance
│ │ └─VWAP
│ │ vwap.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ └─Liqiudity
│ │ liquidity.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Students Contribution
│ │ Seb-10.06.2022-MT4.mp4
│ │
│ └─Summary of the day
│ sotd_037.mp4
│ sotd_045.mp4
│ sotd_046.mp4
│ sotd_047.mp4
│ sotd_048.mp4
│ sotd_050.mp4
│ sotd_051.mp4
│ sotd_053.mp4
│ sotd_054.mp4
│ sotd_058.mp4
│ sotd_059.mp4
│ sotd_060.mp4
│ sotd_061.mp4
│ sotd_063.mp4
│ sotd_065.mp4
│ sotd_069.mp4
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ └─Compression
│ │ compression.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Students Contribution
│ │ Seb-20.12.2021-Back testing session.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Summary of the day
│ │ sotd_031.mp4
│ │ sotd_034.mp4
│ │ sotd_035.mp4
│ │ sotd_038.mp4
│ │ sotd_040.mp4
│ │ sotd_044.mp4
│ │ sotd_062.mp4
│ │
│ └─Webinar
│ 01.04.2022- 9th webinar.mp4
│ 25.03.2022- 8th webinar.mp4
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Advance
│ │ ├─Market Profile
│ │ │ marketprofile.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ └─Poc
│ │ candlepoc.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ ├─Introduction
│ │ │ introduction.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Key Levels
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │ Shot 002.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Market Structure
│ │ │ Shot 002.png
│ │ │ Shot 003.png
│ │ │ Shot 004.png
│ │ │ Shot 005.png
│ │ │ Shot 006.png
│ │ │ Shot 007.png
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Supply _ Demand
│ │ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ │ Shot 002.png
│ │ │ Shot 003.png
│ │ │ Shot 004.png
│ │ │ Shot 005.png
│ │ │ Shot 006.png
│ │ │ Shot 007.png
│ │ │ Shot 008.png
│ │ │
│ │ └─Support _ Resistance
│ │ Shot 001.png
│ │ Shot 002.png
│ │ Shot 003.png
│ │ Shot 004.png
│ │ Shot 005.png
│ │ Shot 006.png
│ │
│ └─Summary of the day
│ sotd_016.mp4
│ sotd_020.mp4
│ sotd_022.mp4
│ sotd_023.mp4
│ sotd_025.mp4
│ sotd_028.mp4
│ sotd_029.mp4
│ sotd_030.mp4
│ sotd_032.mp4
│ sotd_033.mp4
│ sotd_036.mp4
│ sotd_039.mp4
│ sotd_041.mp4
│ sotd_043.mp4
│ sotd_057.mp4
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Advance
│ │ └─Imbalance
│ │ imbalance 2.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ └─Key Levels
│ │ keylevels mp4.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Summary of the day
│ │ sotd_005.mp4
│ │ sotd_006.mp4
│ │ sotd_009.mp4
│ │ sotd_010.mp4
│ │ sotd_012.mp4
│ │ sotd_013.mp4
│ │ sotd_014.mp4
│ │ sotd_015.mp4
│ │ sotd_018.mp4
│ │ sotd_024.mp4
│ │ sotd_027.mp4
│ │ sotd_042.mp4
│ │
│ └─Webinar
│ 07.01.2022- 5th webinar.mp4
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Advance
│ │ ├─Absorption
│ │ │ absorption.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Delta
│ │ │ delta.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Fotprint Charts
│ │ │ Footprint.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─How i prepare the charts
│ │ │ additional_lesson_markups.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Imbalance
│ │ │ imbalance 1.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ └─Introduction
│ │ introduction.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ ├─Exra-How to use soft4fx Simulator
│ │ │ soft4fx.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Imbalance
│ │ │ imbalance.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ └─Volume _ Entries
│ │ entries.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Summary of the day
│ │ sotd_001.mp4
│ │ sotd_002.mp4
│ │ sotd_003.mp4
│ │ sotd_007.mp4
│ │ sotd_008.mp4
│ │ sotd_011.mp4
│ │ sotd_019.mp4
│ │ sotd_17.mp4
│ │
│ └─Webinar
│ 08.10.2021- 4th webinar.mp4
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Advance
│ │ └─Mindset of a Trader
│ │ mindsetofatrader.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ ├─Market Structure
│ │ │ marketstructure.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ └─Supply _ Demand
│ │ supplyanddemand.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Summary of the day
│ │ sotd_004.mp4
│ │ sotd_021.mp4
│ │
│ └─Webinar
│ 06.08.2021-1st webinar .mp4
│ 13.08.2021-2snd webinar.mp4
│ 22.04.2022- 10th webinar.mp4
│ └─TVT-2.0
│ ├─Intermediate
│ │ └─All Puzzles together
│ │ allpuzzlestogether.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Summary of the day
│ │ sotd_026.mp4
│ │
│ └─Webinar
│ 20.10.2021- 3rdt webinar.mp4
│ 25.02.2022- 6th webinar.mp4
06.05.2022- 10th webinar.mp4