Note: If you have any problems with the download, please contact us via Telegram or by email, and good luck with your financial transactions.
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Product List
Our products only provide the contents explicitly listed in the product list, and do not include any other items. Before purchasing, please carefully review the above product list. Thank you for your understanding, and wish you a smooth transaction.
├─1. Introduction To The Legacy Course 2.0
│ 1. Welcome To The Legacy Course 2.0.mp4
│ 2. Discord Access.png
├─2. Getting Started With The Legacy Course 2.0
│ 1. Market Structure.mp4
│ 10. Best Pairs To Trade.mp4
│ 11. How To Back Test Properly.mp4
│ 12. News _ Trading.mp4
│ 2. Higher Time Frame Supply _ Demand.mp4
│ 3. Lower Time Frame Supply _ Demand.mp4
│ 4. Locating Gaps In The Market.mp4
│ 5. Sniper Entries _ Exits.mp4
│ 6. Secret Confluence.mp4
│ 7. Tying It All Together.mp4
│ 8. Risk Management.mp4
│ 9. Creating A Winning Trading Plan.mp4
├─3. Trading Psychology
│ 1. Why 95_ Of Traders Fail.mp4
│ 4. Scared Of Entering Trades.mp4
│ 6. The Secret To My Success.mp4
Note (Important )
Our products only provide the contents explicitly listed in the product list, and do not include any other items. Before purchasing, please carefully review the above product list. Thank you for your understanding, and wish you a smooth transaction.