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Original price: $1,500
Content: full course (videos, doc training guide, chartbook template)
Product List.
A brief story on how this strategy became the NOFT.wmv
Anatomy of an Auction.mp4
Anticipate Trade and Confirm.wmv
Block Trades & Data reporting.wmv
Confluence of VAH VAL & LVN to find Homework Levels.wmv
COT Report Long Term Fundamentals.mp4
Counter Intuitive.mp4
Discussion among traders.wmv
DOM coaching session.mp4
Finding your edge.wmv
How a $5k a day trader prepares for tomorrow.avi
How to deal with a losing day.wmv
How to find trades in ETF, Stocks, Futures and Options.mp4
How to Import Order Flow Indicators and Charts into Sierra Chart.mp4
How to prepare for a big move before it happens.mp4
Insitutional Bias.mp4
Learning to be a contrarian.wmv
My bread and butter trade Retail Flush.mp4
Range market Scalping.mp4
Reading The Footprint.wmv
Support & Resistance.wmv
The Construct pg. 19 hyperlink replacement video.mp4
The Construct.docx
The market is an ice berg.mp4
Time & Sales, Level II and Filtered Tape.mp4
Timing the Trade.mp4
TPO chart.StdyCollct
Trade failed auctions.mp4
Trading a homework level after Identifying the trap.mp4
Using liquidity and depth.mp4
What is Order Flow Inside Bid Inside Offer .mp4
What type of Trading Computer Do you need.wmv
When trading failures are in your mind.wmv
OrderFlow SequencingThe OrderFlow Sequencing Factor (OFSF) is a proprietary analytic strategy that offers effective insights into multiple data sources, allowing traders to make sense of big data and turn it into more meaningful data. OFSF exploits subtle but vital relationships in unstructured big data, allowing traders to make connections within disparate data sets, the key to discovering new insights. This concept allows investors to be able to see trends, patterns and linkages among them. OFSF is designed by a former investment bank trader who worked at firms such `as Bear Stearns, Swiss Bank, UBS and Sungard Capital Markets.
Institutional Edge
iMF Tracker training is a truly disruptive approach to trading education, engineered from the bottom up and developed by an ex-professional trader who traded for a $35Billion dollar private equity fund. This program teaches traders how to analyze big data in a powerful way, providing raw data strategies, not quantized and arbitrary indicator systems. A true professional approach giving you the Institutional edge every trader needs to compete in today’s markets.
This is a completely professional and logical way to look at the market. This data-centric approach helps the trader clearly define risk and liquidity based on the same level of transparency historically only available at the institutional level. Reading the raw data of markets allows traders to logically determine the next most likely move in a stock, commodity or index future by examining the bids, offers and trades.
All professional traders learn how to read the tape, and then need to show they’re profitable before using any software or indicators. So why shouldn’t you do the same?
We are not registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA). We are not registered investment advisors (RIA). Our opinions our from our own experience and you should consult with your financial advisor if trading is appropriate for you as there are risks involved in trading.
iMFtracker Order Flow Training Program
a self paced program for new and developing traders
Finally! Here’s your chance.
- Over fifteen hours of videos featuring advanced training sessions, uncut and raw! Learn about the fundamentals of auction market theory, market profile, footprint and order flow sequencing all within context of the market. Progress to more complex examples including the nuances of tape reading at your own pace.
- A 72 page written training manual to study, packed with resources and real trading examples that give you the blueprint for developing vital market and tape reading skills.
- Trading drills that will help you learn how to spot traps set by market-makers.
- Exercises to learn to address the emotional aspects of trading to help you stay focused.
- Two live Order Flow/DOM private training sessions. The sessions are recorded for your reference. (We can work off your current set up as we’re familiar with Bookmap, JigSaw, Bloomberg, Sierra Charts, NinjaTrader or we can use time & sales + level 2 data.)