Note: If you have any problems with the download, please contact us via Telegram or by email, and good luck with your financial transactions.
Email:[email protected]
Our website assures that if you have purchased any resources from us within the past 6 months and are unable to use them due to updates in the MT4/MT5 versions, you can contact us at any time and provide your purchase proof. We will offer you equivalent resources free of charge on our website.
Video tutorial included with the crowdfunding [English]
│ │ msimg32.dll
│ │
│ ├─EA
│ │ MIMKeys.ex4 [MT4 1380]
│ │
│ └─Indicators
│ InstitutionalTool.ex4
│ MarketMakerTool.ex4
└─ICT TOOL 视频教程
└─Video Training
│ 01 Welcome_Set-Up.mp4
│ 02 Settings-For-Each-Pair.mp4
│ 03 TDI.mp4
│ 04 TDI-Entries.mp4
│ 05 TDI-+-Arrows.mp4
│ 06 Divergence.mp4
│ 07 Game-Over-Entries.mp4
│ 08 Counter-Trend.mp4
│ 09 Price-Action.mp4
│ 10 Manage-Your-Trades.mp4
└─EA +指标 Tools 视频