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Product List
├─Chapter 1 – Psychology and Expectations
│ 1.About Psychology and Mindset.mp4
│ 2.False Expectations.mp4
│ 3.Funded Accounts.mp4
│ 4.Being in Drawdown.mp4
│ 5.Losing and Winning Streaks.mp4
│ 6.Abundance Mindset.mp4
├─Chapter 2 – The Basics
│ 1.Why Forex Trading.mp4
│ 2.Tradingview Metatrader Forex Factory.mp4
│ 3.All about candles.mp4
│ 4.Times we trade in.mp4
│ 5.Intraday vs Swing Trading.mp4
│ 6.Liquidity Explained.mp4
├─Chapter 3 – The Concepts
│ 1.Market Structure BoS ChoCh.mp4
│ 2.Orderflow Supply and Demand.mp4
│ 3.Flip Zone.mp4
│ 4.Points of Interest.mp4
│ 5.Imbalance.mp4
│ 6.Optimal Trading Range.mp4
│ 7.HTF Narrative.mp4
│ 8.Inducement and Liquidity.mp4
├─Chapter 4 – The Refinement
│ 1.4H Daily Structure.mp4
│ 10.Putting it together – 1.mp4
│ 11.Putting it together – 2.mp4
│ 2.Fake Traps.mp4
│ 3.Understanding Each Pair.mp4
│ 4.Trade Management.mp4
│ 5.Quick Trading Plan.mp4
│ 6.Entry Models – 1 – London.mp4
│ 7.Entry Models – 2 – New York.mp4
│ 8.5s Entry – 1.mp4
│ 9.5s Entry – 2.mp4
├─Chapter 5 – The Epilogue
│ 1.Creating a Trading Plan.mp4
│ 2.Backtest ForwardTest.mp4
│ 3.Funding Companies – 1.mp4
│ 4.Funding Companies – 2.mp4
│ 5.How to approach Funding Companies.mp4
Products Introduction