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Product Catalog
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Product List
+ Indicators:
- Band trend indicator.ex4 (Unlocked-NoDLL)
+ Document
- NO
Products Introduction
For any novice and programming trading friend, you can write the signal into the EA to play freely. Array 3 and array 4, for example, 3>4 turns green, 3<4 turns red. If you don’t understand, please contact me.
====================Parameter introduction:==============
KQuantity // Display the number of historical K lines
InpPeriod_3 // Index acquisition range parameters
Popupalarm // Pop-up alarm switch
Mailalarm // Mail alarm switch
AlarmTimeinterval // Interval between each alarm
Upperhorizontalline // Upper horizontal line parameter
Lowerhorizontalline // Lower horizontal line parameter
===================analysis method:====================
buy : The indicator green column is below the horizontal line below, and the red column is changed into the green column to determine the buy
Sell : The indicator red column is above the upper horizontal line, and the green column is changed into the red column to determine the sell